About Caffeine Limits

Health authorities recommend that most adults limit their caffeine intake to 400mg per day. Pregnant women should limit to 200mg, and teenagers to 100mg. Excessive caffeine can cause anxiety, sleep disturbances, heart palpitations, and other health issues.

Calculate Your Daily Intake

Your Caffeine Intake Results

Your total caffeine intake: 0 mg

Recommended daily limit: 400 mg

Status: Safe

Your Beverages:


Common Caffeine Sources

Beverage Serving Size Caffeine (mg)
Brewed Coffee 8 oz (240 ml) 95
Espresso 1 oz (30 ml) 63
Black Tea 8 oz (240 ml) 47
Green Tea 8 oz (240 ml) 28
Cola 12 oz (355 ml) 34
Energy Drink 8 oz (240 ml) 80